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What's Ninpo Taijutsu

  1. Seishinteki kyōyō (spiritual refinement)  精神修炼

  2. Taijutsu (unarmed combat)   体术:徒手格斗术

  3. Kenjutsu (sword techniques including Tojutsu)  刀法

  4. Bōjutsu (stick and staff techniques) 长棍、短棍法

  5. Sōjutsu (spear techniques) 长矛技术

  6. Naginatajutsu (naginata techniques)  雉刀术

  7. Kusarigamajutsu (kusarigama techniques) 链条锤镰刀

  8. Shurikenjutsu (throwing weapons techniques) 飞镖飞刀等技术

  9. Kayakujutsu (pyrotechnics) 火药技术 

  10. Hensōjutsu (disguise and impersonation) 装扮技术

  11. Shinobi-iri (stealth and entering methods) 潜行术

  12. Bajutsu (horsemanship) 马术

  13. Sui-ren (water training) 水中术

  14. Bōryaku (tactics) 战略

  15. Chōhō (espionage) 间谍术

  16. Intonjutsu (escaping and concealment)  逃脱和隐藏术

  17. Tenmon (meteorology)  天门-天象术

  18. Chi-mon (geography) 地门-地理术





The physical level of training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu includes

Junan Taiso-Body flexibility and conditioning


Dakentaijutsu--Strikes, kicks and blocks 


Jutaijutsu--Grappling, throwing and limb control


Taihenjutsu--Rolls, leaps and evasions


Bojutsu--long, medium and short stick and staff techniques


Kenjutsu--Sword techniques


Tantojutsu--Knife techniques


Kusarijutsu--Short chain techniques


Naginatajutsu--Halbard techniques


Sojutsu--Spear techniques


Hojojutsu--Cord and rope restraining methods




Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is a traditional Japanese martial art that teaches effective ways of self-protection using timing, distancing, and angling. Multiple attacks, weaponry, striking, grappling, choking, leaping, rolling, and throws are all disciplines incorporated into the training of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. The training is non–competitive, allowing the student to focus on developing the mind and body through a whole–body movement martial art, not speed andor muscle training.

The Bujinkan (translated as warrior spirit hall) is the platform Masaaki Hatsumi, Soke (literally head of the family, but commonly called Grandmaster), teaches Budo Taijutsu from. Hatsumi Sensei created the Bujinkan after his teacher, the late Takamatsu Sensei, died in 1972. Takamatsu Sensei was the Soke of nine ryu, or lineages, of which he taught to Hatsumi Sensei over the course of 15 years. The nine ryu are

Togakure Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu – Hidden Door School
Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu – Jewel Tiger School
Kukishinden Happo Hikenjutsu – Nine Demon Gods School
Koto Ryu Koppojutsu – Tiger Knocking Down School
Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu – Immovable Heart School
(Hon Tai) Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu – High Tree, Raised Heart School
Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu – Truth, Loyalty & Justice School
Gyokushin Ryu Ninjutsu – Jeweled Heart School
Kumogakure Ryu Ninpo – Hiding in the Clouds School


It is the culmination of these nine ryu that Hatsumi Sensei uses as the basis for the Bujinkan. Three of the nine ryu are of ninjutsu decent (Togakure Ryu, Kumogakure Ryu & Gyokushin Ryu), making the history of the Bujinkan slightly more difficult to understand without proper historical interpretation by an authentic teacher.



The physical level of training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu includes

Junan Taiso
Body flexibility and conditioning -身体灵活性和身体素质

Strikes, kicks and blocks  打、踢、格挡

Grappling, throwing and limb control 抓、投、手臂控制

Rolls, leaps and evasions 翻滚、跳跃、躲避
Students are also introduced to the application of traditional weapons in self-defense when they have demonstrated the appropriate level of self–control and coordination.

long, medium and short stick and staff techniques 长短棍技术

Sword techniques 刀法

Knife techniques 匕首

Short chain techniques

Halbard techniques

Spear techniques 长矛

Cord and rope restraining methods 绳索

These weapons are replaced with wooden or rope replicas for safety.

Students are also taught to understand the principles of self-defense that together forms the very essence of weapon use. This enables Bujinkan practitioners to instantly adapt any object of any description as an aid in self-protection.


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